Convert BS to AD and AD to BS Converter

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AD to BS and BS to AD Converter

About Bikram Sambat (BS) and Anno Domini (AD)

Many parts of the world, including Europe, the Americas, and other Western countries, use the Anno Domini calendar system. Based on traditional Christian chronology, it calculates the current year and is commonly abbreviated as AD. It dates historical events and begins with the year 1 AD, which marks the year Jesus Christ was born.

Bikram Sambat, on the other hand, is a lunar calendar used in Nepal and other parts of South Asia to calculate the current year. Based on the traditional Hindu calendar, it begins with the year 1 BS, marking the year Lord Vishnu descended to earth in his tenth incarnation, Kalki. It is commonly abbreviated as BS and dates events in Nepal and South Asia.

While both calendars calculate the current year, they use different reference points and numbering systems. The AD calendar starts with 1 AD and counts upwards, while the BS calendar starts with 1 BS and counts backward. This means the year 1 BS is immediately followed by 2 BS, and the year 1 AD is immediately followed by 2 AD.

To convert between the AD and BS calendars, a converter tool accounting for their different reference points and numbering systems is necessary. This tool can aid in historical research and understanding the timeline of events in different cultures and religions.


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